5. Unisim usc files

Unisim Design provides some old-fashion API via a COM interface to handle usc files. This interface works only on Windows and more info can be found here (a free registration is required). The Usc class of pyfas exposes in python a minimal subset of API.

The available methods are:

  • extract_profiles
  • extract_stripchart
  • run_until
  • close
  • save
Warning: Save and close any Unisim instance before using this class!

5.1. Usc loading

To load a specific usc file the correct path and filename have to be provided:

usc_path = '../../pyfas/test/test_files/'

fname = 'test_case.usc'

usc = fa.Usc(usc_path+fname)

5.1.1. Extract Profiles

Profiles can be extracted with the extract_profiles method: the pipeline name is required

5.1.2. Extract stripchart

Stripcharts can be extracted with the extract_stripchart method: the defaul stripchart name is overall

5.1.3. Run until

With run_until the simulation is started until the specified endtime (in minures) is reached.